Beauty-Fragebogen: Ann von Andy Heart
Eine unserer großen internationalen Lieblingsbloggerinnen ist die in Los Angeles lebende Ann von Andy Heart. In Fotografien auf hohem Niveau zeigt sie ihren wunderbar cleanen und minimalistischen Stil und ist ein echter Profi darin, die goldene Mitte zwischen zu aufgeregt und zu schlicht zu finden. Ihre Outfits wie ihr Gesamtlook wirken immer mühelos elegant, stilsicher und gepflegt – in Sachen Beauty sie setzt auf natürliches Make-up, hochwertige Öle für das Gesicht und offene, reichhaltig gepflegte Haare. In unserem Fragebogen verrät sie heute alles über ihre Beauty-Routine und ihre Lieblingsprodukte, die es zum Glück inzwischen fast alle auch in deutschen Onlineshops zu kaufen gibt.
Tell us your top five beauty products!
Kahina Beauty Argan Oil, Coconut oil, Josie Maran Argan Daily Moisturizer SPF 40, Rodin Olio Lusso Face Oil, La Roche-Posay Toleriane Cleanser.
How often do you wash your hair and what is your haircare-routine?
I wash my hair almost everyday using John Masters Organics Shampoo. I don’t use conditioner but I do a coconut oil hair mask 1-2 times a week.
How do you treat your face before going to bed?
I cleanse, then moisturize with Rodin Olio Lusso Face Oil or Kahina Beauty Argan Oil.
Which is your favourite perfume?
I don’t use perfume.
Is there a beauty product you cannot recommend at all?
I don’t have a specific product but I try to stay away from parabens, sulfates, fragrances, phthalates, GMOs.
Which beauty product have you been using for a long time now and which one is a new discovery?
I’ve been using Argan Oil for over 5 years. I recently discovered Tarte’s BB tinted treatment 12-hour primer, this stuff is kinda amazing. It goes on smooth, has buildable coverage, primes, moisturizers, includes a natural SPF 30 and more.
Which nailpolish lasts the longest and what is your favourite colour for your nails?
I use Scotch Naturals, sometimes Essie. I love nude colors.
What do you always carry with you in your purse?
I have this baby balm made of calendula, olive oil, castor oil and chamomile. I use it on everything, lips, hands, and cuticles.
And finally, three short questions:
Eyebrows – bushy or slim? Bushy
Focus on the lips or the eyes? Eyes
High end beauty or drugstore? A mix of both
5 Antworten zu “Beauty-Fragebogen: Ann von Andy Heart”
meine absolute lieblingskategorie auf eurem blog!
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